What is Connex?

Calgary Connex is a powerful new digital solution specifically developed to give HR and brand teams the capability to create “On-Brand” talent attraction messaging for upload to social channels within a matter of minutes.

Connex revolutionises the time it takes to get to market. Keeping organisations ahead of the curve, keeping employer branding fresh and whilst doing so, it will drive the organisations direct talent acquisition strategy. No matter where you work or at what time of the day you need to get out to market, be it Locally, Nationally or Internationally, Connex is a 24/7, 365 solution which has changed the game of candidate attraction, connection and communication.

Connex WHY?

  • Helps build and sustain a strong employer brand.
  • Produces attractive creative content.
  • Ensures consistent high quality outputs.
  • Enables control of your brand and costs.